• Hands-on session on Digital Forensics - One Year Online Certification on Cyber Security and Data Science through PSG CARE - Department of CSE & IT, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - July 24, 2021
  • Hands-on - Deep Neural Networks using Keras and PyTorch - Online Workshop on Deep Learning with Keras and PyTorch - Department of CSE, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - April 10, 2021
  • Hadoop Framework for Big Data Analysis - Online Webinar in a Five days programme on “Introduction to Big Data and Engineering”- PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore - September 3, 2020
  • Deep Learning in Image Segmentation- Expert Lecture in TNSCST sponsored Two week Faculty Development Programme on Research Challenge in Image and Signal processing - GCT College of Technology, Coimbatore - Feb 24,2020
  • Semantic Segmentation using CNN - Technical Talk in DCT-ISP Sponsored Two week Faculty Develpoment Programme on Recent Trends and Research Challenges in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning -PSG College of Technology - January 31 - Febrauray 1, 2020
  • Chatbots - Technical Talk in AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Problem Solving using Python- PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore - December 16, 2019[Slides]
  • Hadoop & MapReduce –Technical Talk– PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research – October 17, 2019.[Slides]
  • Deep Learning Workflow in Keras in one week FDP on Computer Vision and Deep Learning: A Research Perspective –PSG College of Technology - August 28, 2019. [Slides][Materials]
  • Technology in Classroom: Google Classroom –Technical Seminar – PSG College of Technology – July 19, 2019.[Slides]
  • File System and Memory Forensics in Two days value added course on Cyber Security and Forensics – PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research – June 24-25, 2019 [Slides]
  • Machine Learning for Data Analysis in one week FDP on Big Data Analytics – PSG College of Technology – Nov 29, 2018 [Slides][Materials].
  • Moving Beyond Business Intelligence in Ninth National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Systems – NCCCIS -2017 - Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology - Feb 24, 2017[Slides].
  • Machine Learning using MLlib in Spark in one week FDP on Hadoop and Cloud Computing - PSG College of Technology - Sep 12, 2016[Slides].
  • Introduction to Spark Framework in one week FDP on Big Data Analytics - PSG College of Technology - July 27, 2016[Slides].
  • Hands-on Training classes on Setting up Single node Hadoop cluster in FDP - PSG College of Arts and Science - July 16, 2016.
  • Recommendation Systems in Two days FDP on Data Mining using Orange and R tools - Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology - Mar 13, 2015[Slides].